Insulation Contractor conforms to the unique nooks and crannies of the home, filling spaces where air can escape. This reduces air movement, insulating and cooling costs while improving home comfort and energy efficiency.
Common Myths and Facts About Spray Foam Insulation
Spray foam can be applied to existing drywall in a home without the need for extensive tearing and re-installing. It is also an ideal solution for hard-to-reach areas and structures such as cathedral ceilings and domed walls.
A professional contractor will be able to achieve consistent coverage and proper expansion with the right equipment and experience. They are trained to inspect the structure and perform a thermal analysis of the home to determine the best application of spray foam insulation.
Choosing the right thickness of spray foam depends on R-value, building codes and other factors like local climate and construction materials. R-value refers to the resistance of a material to heat flow, with higher values indicating greater insulating power.
Closed-cell spray foam is more expensive than open cell, but it does a better job of sealing a space and creating an effective vapor barrier. Open-cell spray foam has a looser, more flexible structure and can absorb moisture, making it less suitable for some applications.
When bidding a spray foam project, it’s important to think about how much each inch of spray insulation will cost you and the customer. Make sure you are using the right formula to calculate a bid that works for both parties. This will prevent you from underbidding or leaving the customer with excess or insufficient foam.
Insulate It Solutions
880 Bay Rd, Unit 00G7, Mt Dora, FL 32757