Domain registration is an important procedure that involves the allocation of a domain name by an entity or an individual. A domain name registered with a domain name registry has an exclusive right to the name. Anybody may register any name for the purpose of web site promotion, business promotion, advertising, etc. There are certain precautions that must be taken by an individual before he registers his domain name.
Register Domain Names.
First, you should get in touch with your registrar. An individual registered with a domain name registration is allowed to renew his account. Before you can renew your account, you will have to submit the renewal request to your registrar. In the renewal request form, you will have to mention the expiration date of your account, if any. You should also mention which host you want to renew your account with, if you want to renew with them.
Many companies offer renewal services for their clients free of cost. If you want to renew your account with a particular host, you can contact the support staff of that host and ask them to renew your account for you. If you do not wish to renew your account with that host anymore, you can leave it empty. However, many domain name registration companies do not allow you to leave an empty field.